Monday, October 7, 2013

Well, I'm still feeling pretty crappy, but not quite as crappy as I have been feeling. So I'm back to shock and amaze all my readers (yes, all 2 of you) with my fantastically boring thoughts on life. Thank you all for humoring me.

Alex has been at his new job for two weeks now and he's doing great. He's a little nervous because apparently there's a lot to remember and that makes me feel a little nervous, but I keep reminding myself that the worst case scenario is that the job ends at its original temporary mark. And that's not so bad, providing we've built up a savings account and paid down a lot of my debt by then.

Debt-wise we're actually doing great. My card balances are dwindling and my credit score is shooting up, up, and away! I know it sounds stupid and I hate that, as an adult, I get so excited over things, but I'm obsessed with checking and improving my credit score. I'm hoping I'll be well into the excellent range in a few months.

I went to Social Security to have my last name legally changed to Alex's (finally) only to hear that, due to the government shutdown, they can't process my forms. So I made a 30 minute trip in traffic with a three year old for absolutely no reason. I was so pissed. Although, I guess it's my own fault for not calling first. One day I'll actually change my name...

I'm doing a really awesome job with providing healthier meals and snacks for my family and eating as a family. Usually by now I would have quit because it's too hard, but I've been working my ass off making and offering healthy choices for each meal, limiting screen time, and getting El a little more active each day. He hates me for it sometimes, as he would rather eat a pop tart in front of the TV for breakfast than have a whole grain muffin and an egg white omelet at the table with me, but I'm hoping it just becomes the normal routine for him soon.

When I think of the big picture, I still have a very long way to go and it seems really, really daunting. But when I take small bites of it all I think I can do it and maybe I already am doing it. I'm working so hard to be an excellent wife and (above all) mother and I'm really trying to get our lives in shape. Thank you, Flora, for helping me become a better person. Missing you has lit a fire inside me and it makes me want to change and be better and be happier and make our family happier. It's because of you that I've found the strength and courage to take steps out of my comfort zone and in the right direction <3

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